The Smart Finger-Box Joint Jig

As promised in this post I will explain what I used to make my own automatic Finger-Box Joint for my BOSCH PTS 10 table saw but it can be also used on all other table saws with the due modifications. Please note that this page is still under construction as I will update this article…

Bosch Gas 20 L SFC

Together with my new Makita Track Saw I decided it was time to get some upgrades in my workshop and one of the most urgent things to add was an efficient, silent, powerfull, health friendly dust collector. After some research I decided to go with this small professional vacuum cleaner made by BOSCH: the GAS20L…

Ready to shoot with my iPhone

Now that I almost finished my last Arduino project, the smart finger jointer, it’s time for me to show you with a short video, that my machine really works. Unfortunately I don’t have an iPhone stand but some time ago a started designing and making a stand for my iPad. Since the quality of the…

Shop Dust Collection System

I finally had some time to do this simple project: a dust collection line with two blast gates in order to connect my shopvac to all the machines I’ve got. This is how it works: The shop vac connects to the first blast gate into the orange connector Then you can decide to either use…

Automatic Finger Jointer Debug

Today I had again to go through code bugs: Sometimes the motor screams without moving; For some long displacement I don’t get the displacement set; Let’s see how I found the errors. Sometimes the motor screams but doesn’t move and I found out after several checks that this was due to its stalling because I…

Arduino Smart Finger Jointer

Today is a bug hunting day. First of all I realized that for some reason the displacement wasn’t right: for a given 5 millimeters displacement from the code I had 3.8 mills on the gantry. I am not sure of the reason but I believe it could be related to the pitch of the threaded…

Smart Finger Joint

Some time ago I would have said to be lucky to have time to spend in my garage. Sadly this is not the case as this corona virus has locked down us all and caused a lot of deaths already. Many people will loose their jobs, but hopefully everything will be fixed some day. My…

DIY assembly blocks

You really don’t need to make fancy stuff to make it work, especially if you’re working on a budget and on a tight time schedule. I made this DIY blocks while I was starting to assemble a new and heavy MDF cabinet in order to be able to lay out all of my main pieces…